Dental Implants

Implant Supported Dentures

Implant supported dentures offer all the benefits of traditional dentures, including facial support, a natural-looking smile, and improved chewing and speaking. However, unlike conventional dentures, these are anchored in place with dental implants, which can reduce the pain and discomfort associated with ill-fitting dentures and help improve the health of your gums and jawbone.

There are two main types of implant-supported dentures: bar-retained and ball-retained.

Bar-Retained Dentures: These use three or more dental implants surgically inserted into the gums. A thin metal bar is attached to the implants in the jawbone, and the dentures clip onto this bar.
Ball-Retained Dentures: These use a ball-and-socket mechanism. Implants in the jawbone are topped with ball-shaped attachments that fit into sockets on the dentures, holding them securely in place.

Both types of dentures help minimize the rubbing and discomfort often associated with conventional dentures and exert less pressure on the gums, making them more comfortable.

Implant Supported vs. Conventional Dentures

Conventional dentures do not replace the tooth roots, so they do not support the underlying gum and bone structure, which can lead to tissue deterioration and a sunken appearance in the jaw area over time. In contrast, dental implants mimic natural tooth roots, stimulating the gums and jawbone to maintain their shape, health, and structure.
Another advantage of implant-supported dentures is their comfort and ease of care. Conventional dentures may require frequent adjustments and can cause pain or discomfort. Implant-supported dentures are stable, do not slip out of place, and generally do not cause pain once the implants have healed.
If you experience discomfort with your conventional dentures, implant-supported dentures could be the solution you need. Contact us at 858 503 6789 to explore your options.

Quality Dentures

Dentures, whether partial or complete, are used to replace missing teeth and can significantly transform or restore your smile. They may also be used temporarily in conjunction with other dental procedures, such as dental implants or tooth extractions.
Dentures help reduce facial distortion, enhance your smile, and improve your ability to chew and speak.

There are two main types:

Complete Dentures: These can be conventional or immediate. Conventional dentures are placed 8-12 weeks after tooth extraction, allowing time for the gums to heal. Immediate dentures are made in advance and placed the same day as the extraction, though they require more adjustments as the gums heal.
Partial Dentures: Used alongside natural teeth to replace missing ones, partial dentures mimic the look of your natural teeth. They also prevent other teeth from shifting and can be used after extractions or in conjunction with implants.

We can help you determine the best option for restoring your smile. Call us at 858 503 6789 to schedule a consultation.

What Are Dental Implants?

Dental implants are artificial tooth roots made from titanium, a strong and biocompatible material. The implant is surgically placed into the jawbone, and it supports a crown, bridge, or denture, just like a natural tooth root would. This procedure helps maintain the shape and density of your jawbone, providing support for facial structures like the cheeks and lips.

Benefits of Dental Implants

Dental implants prevent bone loss by stabilizing the bone, unlike conventional dentures or bridges. They look, feel, and function like natural teeth, which means your smile, speech, and ability to eat are all restored naturally. With proper care, dental implants can last a lifetime.

Who Is a Candidate for Dental Implants?

Ideal candidates for dental implants have good oral health, healthy gums, and enough bone to support the implants. There are two main types of implants:

Subperiosteal Implants: Placed on top of the jaw, these implants are ideal for patients with minimal bone height.
Endosteal Implants: Placed directly into the jawbone, these are the most common type and are suitable for patients with sufficient bone density.

Dental implants can be used to replace one or multiple teeth and can correct jawbone deformities or sinus issues. They provide a permanent solution and a lasting, beautiful smile.

Certified Invisalign Dentist

Dr. Davoudi possesses a Bachelor of Science in Chemistry from the University of Kentucky, as well as a Doctor in Dental Science degree from Meharry Medical College in Tennessee. She is a valued member of several professional associations, including the American Dental Association (ADA), California Dental Association, San Diego Dental Society, and the International Association of Orthodontics.

5450 Clairemont Mesa Blvd. Suite C, San Diego, CA 92117

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